Tag Archives: bray wyatt

Why Wrestlemania’s Firefly Funhouse Match Didn’t Work For Me.

So this past weekend saw the spectacle that is Wrestlemania go off in one of the weirdest ways possible due to Covid-19. What’s usually a huge 1 day spectacle with a weeks lead in of amazing fan driven events, had to become a 2 night event in front of nobody. Where usually people from around […]

Thoughts on Wrestlemania XXXI

Now that Wrestlemania is over, here are my thought on what occurred and what it can possibly mean for the state of the WWE. So let’s just dive right into this. In the pre-show, you saw a 4 way tag team match for the championship. The match was pretty fun and fast. However in some […]

Quality/Quantity Tag Teams

While watching the WWE now a days, it makes me think back to the days of old when I was just a child and how different wrestling was back then. Back in the day, you could hit someone with a chair to the side or top of their head, but not anymore. When I was […]