Tag Archives: Daniel bryan

WWE Title Status pt 2

o shortly before Wrestlemania, I put out the first blog about my thoughts of the state of the WWE’s title belts. I looked at each belt and talked about why they have gone down the drain in my opinion over the years and what I thought they needed to do for them to make them […]

Wrestlemania XXX Recap

Currently we are watching Wrestlemania XXX and this post is going to be a recap of what happens, as it happens. If you have not watched WMXXX and don’t want to see what happened until you get to watch it then STOP READING NOW!!! You have been warned!!! In the Pre-Show, we got to see […]

Wrestlemania XXXI Predictions

As many know the world over, this weekend is basically the Superbowl of the wrestling world. Thats right this weekend is WRESTLEMANIA!!!!! The show of shows is back for its 31st year, and while there are some concerns I have over the state of the WWE, the card for this year’s event looks like it […]

State of the WWE Titles

As anyone who watches fighting sports knows there are always titles to hold and to hold a title means that you are the best at that moment in your sport. But what does a title mean in the world of Sports Entertainment? Is it any less because the outcomes of matches are predetermined? Can a […]

Quality/Quantity Tag Teams

While watching the WWE now a days, it makes me think back to the days of old when I was just a child and how different wrestling was back then. Back in the day, you could hit someone with a chair to the side or top of their head, but not anymore. When I was […]