WXW Tag Team Champions the New Breed Interview!

I have to admit that I have been enjoying my time at WXW a ton since we started going almost two years ago. So I am proud to say I now have an online interview to share with you with the newest WXW Tag Team Champions the NEW BREED! These guys are out having fun with the audience before the shows and during intermissions and we have gotten to talk with them quite regularly so it’s only fair that we use this to bring some news about them to you the fan. I hope you enjoy….and without further ado…the NEW BREED talks!

Kevin- It wasn’t that long ago we saw the team of Big Storm send Diamond Kid off hugging Vinny’s legs in the middle of a match, but now you guys have a official name and are the tag team champs. So how does it feel to have brought the New Breed so far so fast?

New Breed- Well a lot of people don’t know this but we’re actually cousins we’ve known each other our whole lives, this is wanted to do and worked our tails off for. And it was only inevitable with all the dedication that we have. We knew off the bat that we were gonna have chemistry, if you asked if all of this would’ve happened so fast….without hesitation we’d say yes. WXW is a dream come true it really is!

Kevin- The New Breed name really fits the New Day chants so were you at all surprised the first time you heard a similar “New Breed Sucks” chant? Do you let these chants bother you or it more like a sign you are doing good and fuel you to do even better in the ring?

New Breed- Honestly it’s a happy coincidence and hearing that chant means we’re doing something right. Does it bother us….of course not, it’s what fuels us

Kevin- Even with all the New Breed Sucks! Chants you seem to have found a great fan base with the kids and it seems the ladies as well. Do you think your continuing antics before shows and during intermission now coupled with the Tag Team Titles may sway everyone else to change the chants to New Breed Rocks?

New Breed- That really isn’t any of our concern. What we are concerned with is being your WXW World Tag Team Champions and keeping it like that, whether you love us or hate us

Kevin- Let’s back up a little and look at your earlier years. How did you get into wrestling and what made you want to be a wrestler? When did you first start wrestling? What was the first match you had and how did that go?

Vinny- well i’ve been a fan since I was 3, literally my 1st bound memory in life is being glued watching the rock on the mic and wrestling a match after I got my start at the Wild Samoan Training Center and made my 1 on 1 debut last october and it was against the Gold Standard Kelly Iverson and it went well, of course i lost but we don’t talk about that

The Diamond kid- when I was 5 years old I was flipping through the channels and seen a name pop up… it was none other than Shawn Michaels and seeing as my name and his are the same I was automatically intrigued. After that match I was hooked. I started wrestling in 2009 and my 1st match was against a man by the name of Mike Summers it was terrifying and amazing at the same damn time

Kevin- This is a question I am sure every wrestler gets asked but it is one people like to know- what is your ultimate dream? Where do you see yourself at the peak of your career? Is it with the WWE or some other franchise? What would be your ultimate goal as a professional wrestler?

Vinny- Of course I wanna be the best but as of now what me and Diamond have going is absolutely amazing, my goal in wrestling is to be a name that everyone knows whether that be in ROH evolve WWE or even WXW because I know we can get big enough!

Diamond- I have a feeling this is going to be the easiest question to answer, I want the new breed to go down in history as the greatest tag team, period!  Whether that be in ROH TNA WWE or right here in our home WXW!

Kevin- As a tag team you likely spend a lot of time together in the ring training, and outside the WXW events. What is the one thing about your tag partner that drives you crazy? Do you see yourself staying a tag team for a while or is this more of a stepping stone for your individual careers in the ring?

Vinny- What drives me crazy? You won’t believe me but this guy has the worst case of o.c.d i’ve ever seen and it’s ridiculous, his schedules, his texts, his alarms phone calls…. believe me I can go on

Diamond- You would not believe how much of a pig this boy is always gotta clean up his ‘5 days left in the sink dirty ass dishes’, his stank ass socks stuff between the couch cushions, my o.c.d just can’t handle that it drives me boo-coo crazy!

Kevin-If you guys decide to go for individual titles will you break up New Breed or become a stable and just pursue individual titles? If there is a break up of New Breed will it be a peaceful amicable break or will it be a breakup of the ages like The Rockers?

New Breed- We see each other breaking all the records there are in this business that a tag team can break after that we’ll do it again and then maybe consider branching out  

Of course we have aspirations of individual titles but who’s to say we can’t do that while holding the tag titles as far as a stable goes who knows what family members we got waiting in the wings and believe us when we say there ain’t no Jenetty in this group

Kevin- What would be one surprising thing about New Breed that people do not know that you would like to share with the fans? Also you have any message to your fans or your detractors or your nay-sayers that you would like to deliver?

Vinny- On my graduation day 2 years ago at my graduation party who was there to surprise with an RKO out of nowhere on my very own graduation cake?  Yes you guessed it, it was none other than the Diamond Kid… and i got a scar on my head to prove it

This goes out to all the nay-sayers it doesn’t matter the day the week or month it’s always a new year new breed and right now it’s a new breed and we are the new champs

We here at Draxis would like to say thank you once again to Vinny Mac and Diamond Kid as they shared with us a little about what it is like to be wrestling in WXW as the New Breed. Be sure to check out all their matches and the other amazing talent at the WXW shows. Schedules of upcoming shows can be found here www.wxwwrestling.com  Stay tuned and we will have another great WXW interview for you soon!

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