Tag Archives: Lana

WWE New Blood

New Blood One thing that I am of two minds about in wrestling today is whether or not the WWE needs new blood on it’s roster. In some ways I want to say, yes, we definitely need new people, but then I look at the official Roster according to the WWE website and see that […]

Where have all the good managers gone?

Recently I have been doing a lot of watching of the old school WCW Monday Nitro shows on the WWE Network (only 9.99 a month!!!). I have been enjoying watching these old matches but I started to realize something this past week while watching. Where have all the Managers gone? What’s become of the colorful […]

Thoughts on Wrestlemania XXXI

Now that Wrestlemania is over, here are my thought on what occurred and what it can possibly mean for the state of the WWE. So let’s just dive right into this. In the pre-show, you saw a 4 way tag team match for the championship. The match was pretty fun and fast. However in some […]

John Cena a Heel?

I keep seeing a lot of people lately saying that John Cena has now gone heel because of what he did to Rusev a couple of RAW’s ago that will lead to a Wrestlemania match for the US Title. A lot of people are saying this new Cena is a horrible role model, these same […]