Author Archives: Kevin Coryell

Kidney Cancer Blogs Coming

  As you may have seen I, Kevin Coryell, have been diagnosed with Kidney Cancer. My plan is to beat this thing and to never give up as I strive to become cancer free and eventually live a long life with one less kidney. While I am going through this I am going to blog […]

John Cena a Heel?

I keep seeing a lot of people lately saying that John Cena has now gone heel because of what he did to Rusev a couple of RAW’s ago that will lead to a Wrestlemania match for the US Title. A lot of people are saying this new Cena is a horrible role model, these same […]

Is the World Ready for Self-Driving Cars?

For the past few years, there has been talk about self-driving cars, and now it seems like it’s becoming a reality. Although a self-driving car is exciting, it’s definitely a process that shouldn’t be rushed. It’s a huge advancement in everyday technology and machinery. It needs to be treated with proper responsibility. It’s not like […]

Innovations That Are Changing Gaming Today

The world of gaming is always changing. As new games, systems, and interfaces are rolled out, the popular games are always changing, and this means that all gamers are used to a certain amount of change. But there are some new innovations today that have the potential to completely transform the gaming world of tomorrow. […]

How to Stay Safe When Working From Home Isn’t an Option

With the spread of COVID-19, many businesses are closing their doors to employees and clients and implementing work from home procedures. This has proved remarkably effective in slowing down the spread of the deadly virus. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible in all circumstances. If working from home isn’t possible for you, there are still ways that […]

Interview with WXW Wrestler Jaxen Blade

Last month we witnessed the return of Sean Maluta to the WXW after a short absence to take part in the WWE’s Cruiser Weight Classic Tournament. During that time we saw Maluta take advantage of an open call out to the WXW roster by then champion Jaxen Blade and come out to take the WXW Heavyweight […]

Interview with WXW’s High Flying Ace Radic

Hey everyone I hope you enjoy this little interview we have for you….if so please let us know as I have quite a few more of the WXW Wrestlers and Personalities that are saying they would like to join in. My first person to interview was Mr Lucky himself Ace Radic! Unfortunately due to this […]