Category Archives: Cancer Blog

Surgery, a timeline of events

For those of you that have been following my cancer blog you will undoubtedly know that I was going to have surgery to take out my kidney. I had my right kidney, right adrenal gland and a handful of lymph nodes in that area taken out. This past wednesday October 14th I went into Shands […]

Fears and Surgery

Well gang things are getting closer and closer to the final stages of the first stage of Cancer Warfare! To say things have been an emotional roller coaster is just putting it lightly. Every day I sit here afraid yet try to live my life as though nothing were wrong. You see that’s the real […]

A look at WXW Training

As I have said many times in many different ways I do love the men and women of the WXW Family. I hate to harp on the fact of my cancer diagnosis but I did notice interesting things during it. One of the things I noticed was that a lot of people who used to […]