Welcome back, everyone! So we’ve already been adding a bunch of ACNH guides onto the site from Sea Creatures to fishing and now it’s time for the bugs! As always this is going to be a monthly guide update that focuses on both the northern and southern hemispheres for what’s new and what’s leaving in the world of bugs! So let’s fill those museums and critterpedias while we can and see what’s new!

But before we get into the nitty-gritty of it all I just want to post our standard reminders here. So let’s run through them real quick. We have our own Animal Crossing Group and since you’re here I’m assuming that may interest you if so go HERE. We have a general gaming page where we will be sharing everything which is HERE. We have a group that’s dedicated to All Things Geek that’s HERE and we are raising money for Children’s Miracle Network through the Extra-Life program HERE! We also have a gaming channel on YouTube HERE! Last but in no way least if you like what we do with our blogs and would like to help us grow and bring you more reviews and guides and such then please consider becoming a backer on our Patreon page HERE!
Now as we jump into this the formatting will be similar to our other pages with Name- Date- Time- Place and will be separated between the North and South and at the end of each list will be what’s leaving at the end of August.

Migratory Locust- August-November- 8am-7pm- On Ground
Rice Grasshopper- August-November- 8am-7pm- On Ground
Walker Cicada- August-September- 8am-4pm- On Trees
Blue Weevil Beetle- All Day- Coconut Trees
Brown Cicada- 8am-5pm- OnTrees
Cicada Shell- All Day- On Trees
Common Bluebottle- 4am-7pm- Near Flowers
Cyclomattus Stag- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Drone Beetle- All Day- On Trees
Evening Cicada- 4pm-8am- On Trees
Giant Cicada- 8am-5pm- On Trees
Giant Stag- 11pm-8am- On Trees
Giraffe Stag- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Golden Stag- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Great Purple Emperor- 4am-7pm- Flying Near Flowers
Horned Atlas- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Horned Dynastid- 5pm-8am- On Trees
Horned Elephant- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Horned Hercules- 5pm-8am- Coconut Trees
Jewel Beetle- All Day- Tree Stumps
Robust Cicada- 8am-5pm- On Trees
Saw Stag- All Day- On Trees
Scarab Beetle- 11pm-8am- On Trees
Miyama Stag- All Day- On Trees

Tiger Beetle- August-April- All Day- On Ground
Damselfly- All Day- Flying
Dung Beetle- All Day- Snowballs
Rajah Brooke’s Birdwing- 8am-5pm- Flying Near Flowers
So this time of year just seems to be slow for the South in just about everything. However, the North is losing a LOT of bugs after August and most of them had just come in this month in July! So for all of you Northern Hemisphere players, you have a short time to catch a lot of bugs if you haven’t finished it yet. I know I still have 2 beetles to catch that I just haven’t even seen yet! Also, let’s not forget that this week on Saturday is another Bug Off with our friend Flick! This runs from 9am to 6pm and I am hoping to live stream some of it on our YouTube channel HERE. So be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications to see when we go live!