Tag Archives: Spoilers

Reflections on Star Wars VII Part 2

Ok so to continue on from the last blog, we now come to some of the more geeky and technical issues I had with this movie. But First be warned: I think that this movie relaxed the constraints of making Hyperdrive not look like just a form of teleportation. We know the Star Wars galaxy […]

Reflections on Star Wars VII Part 1

As you may have seen in our review blogs I was lucky enough to go and see Star Wars the Force Awakens the other day. In my review I was very much spoiler free or at least I hope I was but in this post there WILL BE SPOILERS     OK for those that […]

Reflections of Star Wars VII Part 3

Sorry for the rant in the previous blog but that as a writer was a particular sore spot for me, especially when a friend decided to take my opinions and just toss them out as though they were worthless and then type a very condescending reason as to why I am wrong…worst thing is she […]