Category Archives: DraxisBlog

ATG Comic Review-Infinity Warp Iron Hammer

So here we are back this week with 2 more comics from Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida to review for you! So the funny thing is I went on that mini rant and they said “oh yeah I haven’t looked at the newest reviews yet…here’s what we want you to do this week.” […]

ATG Comic Review: Inferior Five

So, welcome back to our second review for this week which this time comes from DC. This review is being sponsored by our friends at Vibranium Comics and Games. We have some good events coming up through this next month so be sure to click the banner below to visit their facebook page and check […]

ATG Comic Review: Hunt for Wolverine

Welcome back!  This week we have a huge title to go over as well as some outer space hijinks with everyone’s favorite aliens…well ok hijinks may be the wrong word but that’s up for another blog to decide! Our first blog this week comes from those bearded geeks over at Bearded Browncoats Comics and Games […]

ATG Comic Review: House of X #1-#4

Alright, everyone, I’ve been saying for a few weeks now that I was going to give you a few extra review blogs, so here’s one of them. I have been getting some good new series from Vibranium Comics in Ocala and I plan on going over 3 of them in the next few blogs. This […]

ATG Comic Review: Ghost Rider #1 October 2019

Hello, hello, and welcome to our second review for the week. This one is not sponsored by anyone, but I will give a shout out to Vibranium Comics in Ocala Florida since that’s where we got it. Austin runs a great shop there and you always feel welcome when you go in there. So, be sure to […]

ATG Comic Review: Franklin Richards A Fantastic Year

So there is a danger in working with more than one shop for doing Reviews. You sometimes end up having both shops wanting the same thing reviewed or if you’re like me you have a pull list at both shops so that you’re not favoring one over another and you find yourself buying at one […]

ATG Comic Review: Firefly #2 & #3

So welcome back to a new year from Draxisweb and All Things Geek. We hope to be bringing on a new writer soon so stay tuned for some new content. I also want to extend my sincere thanks to Bearded Browncoats Comics and Games in Ocala, Florida for partnering with us so soon in the […]

ATG Comic Review: Firefly

Welcome back everyone to our second comic review of this week. This week we are seeing a very interesting synergy in this second review as we are getting a Firefly comic from the store Bearded Browncoat Comics and Games in Ocala and Gainesville. I mean it just makes sense to do a review on a […]

ATG Comic Review: Edge of Spidergeddon

Welcome back everyone!  We are keeping the great reviews coming your way with a second comic also given to us by Vibranium Comics of Ocala, FL.  As we get closer and closer to October, we get closer and closer to Halloween ComicFest which is just like Free Comicbook Day but cooler because it’s horror based! […]

ATG Comic Review: Dark Ark After the Flood

Welcome back, everyone! Last week was a slow week which is why you didn’t see any official reviews and just some of the extras I decided to throw together. This week we have one official review brought to you by Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida. Vibranium is now the sole supplier of our […]