Category Archives: DraxisBlog

Draxis Comic Review: Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

Well here we are at the hotel for Necronomicon in Tampa for the weekend. Sorry things are going so slow this week, but we have been busy selling, selling, selling at what is looking to be one of our best conventions yet! But never fear, we gave you one comic blog and I’m not going […]

Draxis Comic Review: Daredevil #595 Mayor Fisk #1

Welcome Draxis Web fans! We have a third and final comic for you this week, once again made possible thanks to the support of Vibranium Comics of Ocala.  As the holiday season kicks off, be sure to check out their website and facebook pages to see what great selection they have and the great holiday […]

Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Takeover First Thoughts

So on my second night of having Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars, I decided to take a stab at playing the new Toy Box Takeover expansion game. This will be a nice short and sweet blog as there really isn’t too much to cover here. When you first get to the Toy Box Hub, you […]

Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars First Impressions

So a day after it came out, I picked up my copy of the newest Disney Infinity game which is version 3.0 and focuses on the characters from Star Wars for the most part. In the past with the first Disney Infinity game, it was a combination of Disney Characters and Pixar Characters with Pixar […]

Comic Review: Cast Away in Dimension Z

Welcome back everyone to finally another comic book review! I’m sorry these have taken so long to get back but we are undergoing a small transition in them due to Covid. Basically, with all my health problems it’s not the safest for me to go out so I’ve been in the house except for some […]

Chicago Native CM Punk’s Grammar Slam

Known for slamming his opponents through the ring when it comes to wresting, CM Punk has also shown us that we are not alone when it comes to grammar. Does the misuse of their, there, and they‘re drive you batty? Is it painful to see people write your when it should be you’re? Is the […]