Category Archives: DraxisBlog

Draxis Game Review: Bacterial Takeover

Welcome back gamers! We have another game review blog to bring to you today. Lately, I have been getting into infection games, it started as games spreading the zombie plague and then it came to games that just spread a random plague of your own making. This game however, is supposed to be attacking planets […]

Draxis Comic Review: War for the Planet of the Apes

As many of you know, with going back to school and various other real life things, this past week has been busy as hell for many of us. That’s why last week’s reviews are being posted in the beginning of this week. I hope you loyal readers will forgive such. Anyway,this week we have 3 […]

Draxis Comic Review: Venomverse #1

Welcome back to our blog everyone!  We hope you find yourself safe from Irma’s path and enjoying a good comic while staying safe and sound with friends and family. We’re writing this from a shelter waiting for the storm to hit because we never want to leave you are fans and family alone even in […]

Draxis Comic Review: Superman #39

Welcome back to the Draxis Comic Review! We took a bit of time off for the Holidays and then my 40th Birthday! I mean who would have guessed it? Three years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and now I am cancer free and fighting the good fight to help others and raising my son […]

Draxis Comic Review: Generations Wolverine

Hey Ho Hey Ho boys and girls, has it been a fun week indeed. First of all, I want to give a shout out to my father who over the course of this week ended up in the hospital and is just coming home today with a brand spanking new pacemaker….Dad, get better soon, see […]

Draxis Comic Review: Secret Empire Omega

Welcome back gang. Sorry to put two reviews so close together so late this week, but as you know things have been insane down here in Florida with Irma stirring up all sorts of problems. To tell the truth, we only got power on in our home on Sunday so we only just got back […]

Draxis Comic Review: Runaways #1

Hey there Draxisweb fans and friends! Sorry things are late this week, but we did have a huge Hurricane come through but as you see, it just makes us a little late and doesn’t stop us! Nor does it stop Vibranium Comics which is where this weeks (err last weeks really) two blogs come from. […]

Draxis Comic Review: Nightwing The New Order

Hey Hey everyone, we’re back with our weekly Draxisweb Comic Review! This week we have two awesome comics that we are reviewing brought to you by Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida. Vibranium just keeps growing day by day and has an awesome staff always willing to help you find what you want. So […]

Draxis Comic Review: Mace Windu #1

Happy Labor Day Weekend everyone! Hope everyone is having a great 3 day weekend and having a great time with barbeques and swimming and such. This weekend has been nice and busy between friends from the north coming to visit and just a bunch of other things keeping me busy. So this weekend we have […]