So guess what everyone? If you just said that All Things Geek comic reviews are back then you’d be absolutely correct! I know we’ve been gone for a while, but we are now trying to get back into the swing of things so be ready to see more coming out from us. Also, be sure […]
So as I said in my previous review I do have 3 others that were just so good I have to review them even though they were not selected by the shops for my weekly reviews. The first one we have, came to us from Bearded Browncoat (Mainly because Diamond shorted Vibranium this week….damn you […]
Welcome back everyone, and boy do we have a treat for you. In this comic review, we actually get a media crossover comic and in some ways, it’s a title that fits in very closely with a lot of the news that is going on with the MCU recently. Just so everyone knows, this review […]
Welcome back everyone. It’s been a slow start to the year I know and some of that is from slow weeks when I go into the comic shop and some of it is from me having some problems with my mental health which has been making it hard for me to get out. So I […]
Welcome back to our second comic review of the week. This time we have a comic from Image that most everyone has heard of. Once again, this has been brought to you by Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala, Florida. We love working with Vibranium quite a bit because the owner/operator Austin gets to know […]
So this weekend we had a lot more than just one review during all the Doctors appointments in fact we had 3 of them. Things have been nice and hectic as you may have read in my last blog and so things are a little late this week. But as always I am pushing through […]
Hey there everyone and welcome back to All Things Geek Comic reviews! This week we have 2 great comics we will be reviewing for you. The first one comes to us from our good friends at Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida. Be sure to check out their facebook page linked below to find […]
Welcome back everyone. I hope you all had a great beginning of May with all the fun that was to come from it! I am sorry for the lateness of these comic reviews this week, but it has been time for my bi-yearly cancer scans. I have to admit I would have been writing this […]
Welcome back, everyone. So, it seems I am able to do a little blogging for you this week. We got a newer comic from Vibranium Comics and Games to review for you today while I relax after getting my second radiation treatment to try and kill my cancer. Be sure you check out their website […]
Welcome back, everyone! Thanks for once more dropping by our comic review pages; we love to see you here! So we have some exciting news in the world of my health. As you may know, if you have been following our blogs for any time, I am facing cancer for the second time. Well, it […]