Author Archives: Kevin Coryell

ATG Game Review: Anthem

So welcome back everyone we are back with yet another Game Review! This time we have for you a game that was very greatly anticipated and came with some high hopes. It just came out from Bioware but at the same time, it kinda scared some people because it is an EA game and we […]

ATG Comics Review: Powers of X…errr House of X extra

Welcome back everyone what we have here is one of the extra reviews on a series of comics I thought was important enough to get a review above and beyond our normal weekly comic review. I do want to drop a note of thank you on here to Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida […]

ATG Comics Review: Dawn of X First Thoughts

Welcome to 2020. Sorry, this has taken so long to come out but we have been swamped with broken computers and household items, internet lines being cut and all sorts of health issues popping up for just about the whole family. Anyway, we are back and here’s our first blog for 2020 hope you enjoy! […]

ATG Comic Review: X-Men Black Magneto

Hello again hello again everyone. I know I have been promising some extra comic reviews but things have been insane lately, as I’m sure you’ve been reading here. One of the big problems with invisible illnesses, especially things as harsh as cancer, is you tend to stop wanting to do the things you enjoy. I […]

ATG Comic Review: Xerxes #1

What’s the best way to spend a Sunday in April? How bout snuggling your 5 year old son while you watch Wrestlemania, while you 3D print the side of a Hellraiser Box, while you write a comic review blog? Yup that’s right, I multitask like a madman! This is a new comic review blog for […]

ATG Comic Review: Wakanada Forever Spiderman #1

So here we are, back again and late again this week. I am super sorry for that- I had a ton of stuff ready to type up on Thursday and Friday of this past week with these comic review and then tragedy hit! My ‘A’ button on my keyboard decided not to work 90% of […]

ATG Comic Review: Tony Stark Ironman #1

This week we have some comics from both of the comic shops we work with in the town of Ocala Florida. This first comic comes from our good friends at Bearded Browncoat Comics and Games, which can be found in its new BIGGER location right next to its old location in Ocala as well as […]

ATG Comic Review: The Mighty Thor #1

Hello, hello, everyone and welcome back to yet another comic review. Though bad health has been attacking ever since before my newest scans, I am still here to bring you more news from the comic world among other places (mostly stress making me feel like crap I’m sure but still sick as a dog lately). […]

ATG Comic Review: The Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #1

Welcome back one and all welcome back! We have some good comics for you this week for our weekly comic reviews both of which are from the powerhouse that is Marvel! But first OH MY GOD did you guys see that new movie Avengers Infinity War!?! It was all kinds of insane so if you […]

ATG Comic Review: The Storyteller

Welcome back to our ATG Comic Reviews! I know it’s been a few months but a lot has been going on as you know, and so it’s been a while since we were able to visit our comic stores. However, I am glad to say that FINALLY, the ATG Comic Review has returned to Draxisweb! […]