Author Archives: Kevin Coryell

Chicago Native CM Punk’s Grammar Slam

Known for slamming his opponents through the ring when it comes to wresting, CM Punk has also shown us that we are not alone when it comes to grammar. Does the misuse of their, there, and they‘re drive you batty? Is it painful to see people write your when it should be you’re? Is the […]

Cancer Wars VII: The Bowel Awakens

Hey there everyone just wanted to drop by and add another little thing about the fun surgery I had, in this case the “sleeping bowel”. I told you I would try and update with basically everything I was going through this way if you too are going through this or know someone else that is […]

Black Tea- For More Than Just Drinking

Black Tea contains minerals like potassium, zinc, and magnesium; vitamins like C, E, and B2; essential oils, tannins, and polyphenols. Why is this good news? Polyphenols are a natural antioxidant which has been extensively studied and has been found to neutralize cancer causing free radicals. Tannins found in black tea help to protect us from […]

Benefits of Coconut Oil and Why You Should Care

Coconut oil (also known as Copra oil)obtained from the kernel of fully matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm. Coconut oil found its applications in different areas like health, making homemade soap and other beauty products, medicine and cooking. Countless benefits can be derived when we apply it on our skin. These benefits include: Natural […]


Essential oils are natural liquids that are extracted from plants. These oils are stored in the stems, bark, leaves, seeds, roots and flowers of various plants around the world. At the appropriate time, they are extracted and made ready for use. Essential oil when not extracted well and at the right time will not be […]

Beauties of Star Wars

So, a lot of people say that there aren’t enough women in the Star Wars cinematic universe. They say that everyone shown is either an alien or a guy or a guy alien. Well my first question is “How do you know those aliens are guys?” They are aliens after all and while I hate […]

Aziza Atalan

Name: Aziza Atalan Race: Atalan (Subspecies: Setith) Height: 2’10” (human torso and head) Length: 19′ 9″ (Snake Body) Hair: Red Eyes: Tan Scales: Red Skin: White, lightly tanned from the sun       History of Aziza Atalan from the pages of the Draxian Chronicles: Aziza is an interesting specimen of the Setith sub-species of […]