Raw Honey VS the Honey Bear

Why raw honey vs the honey bear? Honey is much more than a great natural source of sweeter, it is a natural food with many amazing health benefits. It contains a host of powerful natural antioxidants, enzymes and minerals that help improve overall body health and wellness, speed healing, regulate sugar levels, and boost metabolism.  Raw honey is affordable but it takes thousands of bees thousands of hours of work to make one pound of raw natural honey for us to enjoy. If you are like many people, you have seen the jars of raw natural honey, sitting beside those cute little bear jars of processed honey and have wondered, why raw honey vs the honey bear brands?

Why Choose Raw Honey?

Commercial honey is most often very far removed from natural raw honey as it has been heavily processed and some commercial brands of honey are even chemically refined. Filtering and processing kills the beneficial bacteria, nutrients, and elements that. Natural honey is not clear like store bought brands- honey has to be cooked to make it clear, which further kills all beneficial properties. Raw honey healthy and best of all, unprocessed natural honey needs no special storage arrangements and it is the only food known that will not ever spoil. There are many reasons to go natural when looking at why raw honey vs the honey bear.

Uses For Raw Honey as Natural Remedies

These are just some of the reasons why the best choice is raw natural honey. In the why raw honey vs  the honey bear debate there is one clear winner!

  1. Digestion – Just a spoonful of raw honey can counteract indigestion and other stomach related issues that cause gas, bloating, or nausea since raw honey won’t ferment in the stomach.
  2. Acne – Raw natural honey has a lot of antibacterial properties and can help fight skin infections.
  3. Exfoliation – Honey makes a great product to use to relieve dry dead skin cells safely and naturally without harsh scrubs.
  4. Diabetes – Consumption of raw honey is thought to help lower blood sugar and keep it more regulated because it lasts longer and is better for you than white sugar.
  5. Cholesterol – Raw honey helps reduce cholesterol and helps fight the effects of coronary artery disease.
  6. Antioxidants – Eating raw honey gives the body a boost of antioxidants and helps the body fight infections, illnesses, and diseases better.
  7. Sleep – Raw honey is thought to help increase melatonin levels, especially when taken at night, and can help you sleep better.
  8. Allergies – Local natural raw honey has pollen in it and can help you develop natural resistance to local flowers and plants and can relieve allergy symptoms over time.
  9. Weight – Substituting raw honey in the diet and cutting out other forms of sugar can be a good way to drop weight and be healthier.
  10. Inflammation – Raw honey is packed full of anti-inflammatory agents which have been shown to reduce swelling, irritations, and inflammation.
  11. Healing – Raw honey can be applied to wounds to kill infection and speed healing.
  12. Throat/Mouth – Raw natural honey can be very helpful in the treating of sore throats, cough, cold sores, canker sores, and other injuries and conditions of the throat and mouth.
  13. Hair- Natural unprocessed honey help hair look and feel silky, smooth, and full.
  14. Mood- Some studies suggest that consuming raw natural honey on a regular basis can help maintain positive moods and can help fight depression and anxiety.
  15. Supplement- Unprocessed honey is a great way to get a dose of nutrients and vitamins into your diet.


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