Amanda here, and we have a new Toy Review for you this week that’s being brought to you by our sister site Cancel Cancer. We are striving our hardest to raise money and awareness to fight against Cancer and we need your help. You can donate to us directly through Paypal to or you can go to our cancel cancer site and buy one of the many t-shirts we have for sale. All profits will go to a charity and right now we are working with Relay for Life (American Cancer Society) and Extra-Life (Children’s Miracle Network). We hope to start working with KCCure and St Judes as well if we can get enough support. I am ready to #CancelCancer but we need your help so check out our facebook and website by clicking the banners above and below!
So today we have a blog for you about a new toy at Walmart. I’m not sure if it’s an exclusive there or not. What we have is the Harry Potter Mystery Wand blind bag. Now me, I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. I loved all the books and all the movies (though I still need to see the new series). So when I saw that Walmart had Blind Bags with like 9 different wands I thought this could be really cool if done right. I have seen others make their own wands and they are pretty cool but for someone like me, I can’t afford 30+ dollars no matter how specialized or how genuine the material so to see wands for about $14 dollars was a cool thing.
So we ended up with our first blind bag having Neville Longbottom’s Wand in it. It was a good sturdy plastic with a good paint job. It has a good weight to it and is a good size to be a full sized HP wand. So we went back and I got 2 more wands to see if we could get some new ones and we got Tonks and Harry Potter’s wands. What I really want are the Voldemort and Death Eater wands, after all, I am very much interested in Villains of every stripe.
I think when all’s said and done with this it is a good cheap alternative to the more expensive custom wands. For a lower price, these have some great looks and good sturdiness. These are good looking plastic replicas and a good choice if you want a movie prop replica. Now don’t think I am dissing the custom ones by any means they are great and look great, but you will be getting something custom and most likely not one that looks like it’s from the movie…which in its own way is great since you can have your own one of a kind looking wand. But if you really want a cheap good looking movie replica this is the way to go!
Do you have any of the mystery wands yet? What do you think of them? Do you like the mystery aspect or would you rather know exactly what you’re getting? Sound off below and let us know what you think!
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