Hello again everyone Amanda here! I get the privilege of bringing you our next review blog in ATG Game Reviews! I am having quite a good time testing out free IOS games for All Things Geek and Cancel Cancer and if you want to get in on this and write reviews for us then just email us at DraxisWeb@gmail.com with the subject Game Review Inquiry. If you’d like to review anything else like a book or comic we would love to see that as well just replace the word Game with whatever you’d like to review in the subject line and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible!
As usual with our game reviews, this is being brought to you by our sister site Cancel Cancer. At Cancel Cancer we try to do everything possible to combat cancer in all of its forms. We believe in no cancer warrior being left behind and we try our best to answer questions, be there for support and raise money for charities to try and cure this horrible disease. We currently work with the American Cancer Society through Relay for Life and in the past have worked with the Children’s Miracle Network through Extra Life. We hope to one day grow large enough to work with St Judes and KCCure as well but we can only do such with your help. So please if you want to help us go to Ko-fi.com/thalra and drop us a donation and make sure you leave note saying it’s for Cancel Cancer or buy one of the things from our facebook page which can be accessed by clicking the banner below!

This review blog is for yet another match 3 game as we have been finding these to be the popular ones being advertised for us right now. The big change on this one is we even heard a radio commercial for this one the other day. This is a bit different from the other match 3 games we have covered as this one combines a collectors game (gotta rescue them all) and 2 different types of match 3 game sub genre’s!
This interesting cute little game is known as Best Fiends (not to be confused with Best Friends). This is both an attacking game like the Empire and Games review we did and a challenge based game like Toon Blast or Wonka’s World! See in this one you have a group of fiends (cute little bugs) who attack mutated slugs very much like how you attack in Empire and Puzzles however you only go one slug at a time so all your attacks hit it no matter where they are launched from. Some levels, however, ask you to kill a certain amount of Slugs and to collect a certain amount of plant life or open things. Now each fiend you have has a different element and unlike toon blast matching more than 3 doesn’t give you something special but the more you match the faster your fiends special meter fills which gives you special powers like bombs and such. Sometimes the slugs are weak against certain fiend elements.
When you finish a board you are awarded 3 keys and you use these keys to open crates. In these crates are little yellow things you can use to power up your fiends, blue things that help with the power-ups and diamonds that you can trade in for more keys or more powerup things if you’re short on it for someones upgrade. The other big thing you find in crates randomly are more Fiends. This can get you better fiends with different power-up abilities and depending on what you need done in a level these fiends get switched out automatically for best fiends the AI thinks you need (though you can trade them out). This collection of fiends thing reminds me very much of Pokemon as you start focusing on finding more of the cute little bugs and adding them to your collection.
I have been enjoying this game quite a bit. It’s cute and challenging but at the same time, it hasn’t left me frustrated for too long on the various levels. A lot of times since there is a move counter I have ended with no moves left and just narrowly beating a board but I find myself beating things more than being beat by them. I certainly recommend this game for anyone looking for a cute match 3 game!
Sound off below if you have played this game we want to know what you have thought of it! Also if you would like to help us out please go to Ko-fi.com/thalra and drop us a tip. Anything that is not earmarked in notes for Cancel Cancer will be used to upgrade our site or buy new toys and such to review for you!