Hello, hello, and welcome to our second review for the week. This one is not sponsored by anyone, but I will give a shout out to Vibranium Comics in Ocala Florida since that’s where we got it. Austin runs a great shop there and you always feel welcome when you go in there. So, be sure to give Vibranium some love by clicking the shop name. This blog is brought to you by All Things Geek which has a facebook page. Come and join us and if we get enough people active we plan on restarting out Comic Crossover Smackdowns where we pit two similar superheroes or villains from different companies against each other in battle. It’s your choice through a friendly debate who would win! If any of that sounds good to you then just click on the banner below we would love to hear from our fellow geeks and nerds!

So this new review brings us back to Marvel Comics and a comic that has always been in the top 3 favorites in the Marvel Universe. This comic is the first issue of the new Ghost Rider series! Now I have to admit it has been a while since I have read Ghost Rider as I used to collect it heavily in the mid 89’s when Daniel Ketch was Ghost Rider. Since then, however, I hadn’t gotten many of them and when I started back into the collecting a few years ago I started with the first few Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider issues and I just wasn’t too thrilled with them. I then collected the Ghost Rider series that took place on Battleworld and well it didn’t impress me much either but then again a lot of those titles were a huge miss with me. We also had a Cosmic Ghost Rider that was the Punisher and that well just looked dumb to me. So hearing Ghost Rider was coming back and I saw pics of one with a Motorcycle I was cautiously optimistic about it.
I am glad I heard about this and I am glad I bought this first issue. This looks like we’re going to be treated to the Midnight Sons of Johnny Blaze and Daniel Ketch. What I am finding really cool and will have to see if I can’t find it on ComiXology is that Johnny Blaze as Ghost Rider has taken over hell from Mephisto. Ghost Rider is now the king of hell and not everyone is happy. Demons are trying to escape onto Earth and Jonny is heading out to hunt them down and bring them home.
While Johnny is out hunting demons he runs across Ghost Rider fighting one of the demons he is hunting. This Ghost Rider is Daniel Ketch who is fighting the Spirit of Vengence every step of the way when he tries to take over. Daniel it seems has become an alcoholic since his mother had died and now owns a bar. Johnny offers Daniel the chance for them to hunt together and Daniel turns it down flat.
Later we see Daniel at his mother’s grave where he sees her ghost perhaps? I’m not sure because honestly between telepaths and Mysterio and things like that this sort of thing could literally be anything but it seemed like he was seeing his mom’s ghost. She warned him that he had to stop Johnny that Johhny was letting his new power as king of hell corrupt him. During this, we flash to Johnny finding one of the demons he was hunting. He turned into Ghost Rider himself and he attacked the demon ripping it to shreds slowly with his chains a vicious Spirit of Vengeance torturing the demon almost like something out of the Hellraiser series of movies.
The book ends and we see Mephisto in some sort of jail with Doctor Strange’s manservant Wong seeming to be the jailer. Mephisto warns of a change coming to hell and says if they thought he was bad they were in for a surprise. We also see Lillith and her children in Hell and Lillith says how she should have been the one to take over and she planned on doing that.
Personally, I LOVED this comic. I enjoyed the story, I enjoyed the artwork and I was sooooo happy to see both Johnny Blaze and Daniel Ketch returning to the series instead of Robbie Reyes. My only complaint is that for me it was over too soon. I would have liked this to be an oversized 1st issue and really wish it had been.
So are you going to go and pick this book up? If you have already we would love to know what you thought of it so sound off below in the comment section. Are you glad to see Johnny Blaze and Daniel Ketch back or were you a fan of Robbie Reyes? We’d love to hear from you! If you love what we do here and want to support us then go to Ko-fi.com/thalra and drop us a tip. Anything we make from that will go to making this site bigger and better and go to get more things for us to review for you!