Welcome back, everyone! Last week was a slow week which is why you didn’t see any official reviews and just some of the extras I decided to throw together. This week we have one official review brought to you by Vibranium Comics and Games in Ocala Florida. Vibranium is now the sole supplier of our comic reviews and supplies most of the comics we buy on our own as well because they are just that awesome. This week we have one from them and then we have an extra review for a comic that came from their shop as well. Be sure to show Vibranium how awesome they are by checking out their facebook page by clicking the banner below. Be sure to check out their events because there are a few things coming up soon like Halloween Comic Fest and a Halloween party!

So for our first official blog, we have a new comic called Dark Ark: After the Flood. This one is from Aftershock comics and to tell the truth, this is going to be a short little blog. First off for the first comic in a series it didn’t really capture my attention enough to want to keep going with it. It was kinda a confusing comic as well as it kinda bounced around between people. Sometimes, I thought this was talking about the times after Noah’s Ark and they do mention Noah’s Ark but they also mention the Ark of some guy named Shrae. It seems on one of these arks people were kept as captives and I am assuming this would be Shrae’s Ark and not Noah’s. So at first, we saw people with tools making a hut from the wood of one of the Arks which made me think the Biblical one but then there were also weird creatures. So, with the weird creatures that talked as far as I know this could be on another world still not really sure about that. Shrae seems to be some sort of mage or dark priest of some sort but it seems he is also killed in the book. To be honest, to me it wasn’t even a memorable story so I have to keep going back to look at things I think I remember about it just to do this
Moving on from the story I also was not too thrilled with the artwork. Some of it was good like the art for Shrae but the art for the other people just was kinda lacking. The odd creatures that were seen I’m not even sure what they were supposed to be. Maybe some sort of Sphinx since it had a kinda lion-like look to it and wings but honestly I have no clue.
All in all, it gave several questions and no real answers to anything. It gave no real story to get you invested in it to even care to find out what the answers to the questions might be. This comic has left me completely and utterly apathetic to the series. For me, it failed as a first issue.
Have any of you read this comic? If so do you agree with this review or did you enjoy it? Let us know in the comments below what you think. Also if you want to see news about anything geek related like comics, movies and more just click on the All Things Geek banner below. If you like what we do here and want to help us continue then drop by our donation page by clicking this link to Ko-fi.com.