Anthology Submissions ~UPDATED~

Currently all Anthology submissions are CLOSED! However, we are looking for Donations of stories for our Anthologies to raise money for Charity. 100% of profits from any books sold from the Anthologies listed below will be given to either a Cancer or Children’s Medical charity (Currently we work with the American Cancer Society with Relay for Life and the Children’s Miracle Network through Extra Life). If interested in writing for one of these anthologies please send an inquiry to [email protected]


  • Send all Story queries to [email protected]
  • We are looking for original stories that have not yet been published.
  • For accepted stories we ask for exclusive online and print rights for 3 Months from publishing date, after that all rights revert back to the author.
  • Typically, unless otherwise noted, we will be looking for stories that run between 5,000 and 7,000 words
    • ADDED: Submissions now range from Flash Fiction of any size up to the 7,000 words!!!
  • We do accept Erotica stories but they will be placed in an anthology separate from the main ones made just for those wishing to read erotica.

Upcoming Anthologies

Patient Zero- Most Zombie books and movies take place either right after the Z-Plauge outbreak or once most of the world has succumbed already. Very rarely do you get a good origin story of where the Zombies came from, why it happened, or even how the thing spread in the first place! This anthology will aim to find all the various ways a Zombie Plague could happen from nature turning against us, to aliens, to covert government testing!

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

Parasite- The vampire, once one of the worlds most feared predators, has now become something you want to date. I want Parasite to bring the blood suckers, succubi, mind thieves etc. back into the realm of the demon spawn they once were.

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • Creature can encompass any type of parasitic monster not just bloodsuckers
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

Call of the Wilderness- We have all heard of the dreaded Were-Wolf but surely there are more types of Were-Creatures than just that! We want to delve into the realms of the animalistic shifters and see just how the wild side lives!

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • All genres are welcome
  • No bestiality (human form only)!
  • If it has an animal form and human form it’s welcome here
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

Operation Kaiju- Writers choose a city and choose something that is attacking your city -from aliens to giant monsters. The only way to save your city is Operation Kaiju where advanced cloning and genetic manipulation can produce a gigantic animal of your very own to protect your city! Want to create your own Godzilla, Mothra, or even a Mecha-Kaiju then this is the book for you to write in! Mech vs Kaiju is welcome here as well!

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • Comedy, Horror and Action welcome,
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

Dragon Wars- What would our world be like if dragons were introduced to it? Would they be captured by humans and used in our wars like in the Temeraire series? Would they be small and cute and used like Pokemon in battle sports? Or would it become a war of us vs them? No matter how you look at it introducing such a powerful race into the picture most likely wouldn’t end well so we want to know what you think would happen!

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • Action, Comedy, Historic Fiction and Horror welcome
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

Technomancy- This series of stories is a what if magic were around in our lives today. Would it short out technology like in Dresden Files or could it somehow work along with Technology to form something new such as Technomancy. For this series we are looking for your best Urban Fantasy stories that somehow have magic at the center of the story. Has the government made a new magic task force to help the police? Do you have a Dreseden like investigator or a P.I. Witch like Rachel Morgan? Can your icons on an iPad be used in ritual magic instead of the actual substances?  We want to see how you think this world would cope with magic!

  • Submission Guidelines are as seen above
  • All Genre’s welcome
  • Submissions are closed until enough interest has been achieved by authors!

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