Hopefully this will be able to bring some hope to others and help them know what they may end up facing as they face the same battle I am.
My first warning is this: This blog is going to be a RAW blog. You are used to my other blogs where I run everything through my wife as my editor before I post so that things can be nice and polished and lovely for your reading. I don’t want that here. I want everyone who comes to read this to see things as I am thinking them because that’s how I am going to be writing this. Some days this may be great and insightful, others it may be raw and tear inducing because of what I am going through and feeling.
In the next few days I hope to start posting blogs about what has led me up to this point and in the next week or so I’ll be letting people know how I do on my medicines and such. I hope that this can help someone else going through this and I hope to be able to keep blogging about this for a while and to bring you all good news about a long life ahead.
A little about me~~~~> See vid below!
GoFundMe account to help pay for my treatments~~~~> http://www.gofundme.com/KevinCancerFight